Priscilla Beach Association, Inc Bylaws 7.12.2003
ARTICLE I Name, Location, and Corporate Seal
Section 1. The name of the Corporation is Priscilla Beach Association, Inc.
Section 2. The principal office shall be located at Manomet, Plymouth, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Section 3. The Corporate seal shall be circular in form and have inscribed theron the name of the Corporation.
ARTICLE II Corporate Powers
Section 1. The Corporation shall have all the powers and enjoy all of the privileges granted by the Laws of Massachusetts to Corporations organized under the General Laws.
Section 2. The purpose for which this Corporation is formed is as follows:
- to promote and foster the social and civic welfare of the residents and owners of real estate in that section of Plymouth known as Priscilla Beach;
- to engage in any or all activities which shall serve to improve the civic standards, appearances, recreational and educational facilities, the general welfare and residential desirability of this section;
- to purchase, lease, mortgage, sell, hold, develop, convey or otherwise acquire and dispose of any real estate and personal property necessary and proper for the carrying out of the purposes of the Association;
- to do all other things permitted by Corporations organized and existing under Chapter 180 of the General Laws, but these purposes shall not include the right to apply for a license to sell alcoholic beverages.
Statement on We with Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Office of the State Secretary, dated August 11, 1951
ARTICLE III Membership and Dues
Section 1. The membership shall consist of the landowners in the Neil Mcintosh development at Priscilla Beach, Plymouth, Massachusetts, as shown on sub-division plan # 5279-1, drawn by Delano & Keith, C.E., September 18, 1926, and filed with certificate title # 2527
Section 2. It shall be the duty of members to notify the Secretary of the Association of any changes of address within a reasonable time of making such change.
Section 3. Annual dues for membership shall be invoiced prior to the Opening Meeting and shall be payable at or before the Opening Meeting or July 1st. Proposals to change dues shall be subject to approval by a voted of the membership at the Closing Meeting and become effective with the next fiscal year.
Section 4. Any property owner, whose dues remain unpaid, shall not be granted membership and shall not be entitled to any benefits or privileges of the Association including voting rights at Association meetings.
Section 5. Any member may be removed from membership by a majority vote of the members present at any Opening, Closing, or Special Meeting for conduct deemed prejudicial to this Corporation. Such member shall have first been served with at least fourteen days written notice of the accusations against him / her, and shall have been given an opportunity to produce his / her witnesses, if any, and to be heard at the meeting at which such vote is taken.
Section 6. Members and family of their household shall have the right to use Corporation property in accordance with rules as established by vote of the membership. Such rules and any revisions to them shall be made available to members upon request.
ARTICLE IV Meetings and Voting Rights
Section 1. There shall be two regularly scheduled meetings of this Corporation. The Opening Meeting shall be held on the Saturday prior to July 4th each year. The Closing Meeting shall be held on the Saturday prior to Labor Day each year.
Section 2. A Special Meeting may be called, at any time, by the President or by the Executive Committee. Notice, which specifies the reason for such a Special Meeting, shall be mailed to each member at least fourteen days in advance of such a Special Meeting.
Section 3. A Special Meeting of the Corporation shall be called by the Secretary upon application in writing, addressed to the Secretary, signed by ten members of the Corporation and specifying the reason for such a meeting. Notice, which specifies the reason for such a Special Meeting, shall be mailed to each member at least fourteen days in advance of such a Special Meeting.
Section 4. The right to vote at Association meetings shall be limited to those households having paid annual dues. Each such household shall be entitled to two votes whenever said votes are taken. Household shall be deemed to mean property owner and members of their immediate family having attained legal voting age. Each person shall be in attendance at said meetings.
Section 5. The President shall be obliged to include at subsequent Opening, Closing, or Special Meetings, under new business, any issue that has been brought to the attention of any member of the Executive Committee. If, in the judgment of the Executive Committee, any issue is of significant importance to the membership-at-large, its inclusion shall be communicated by written notice at least fourteen days prior to the Opening or Closing meeting. Section 6. All issues (except proposed changes to the Bylaws of this Corporation) presented to the membership for approval shall be decided by majority vote.
ARTICLE V Officers and Elections
Section 1. The Officers of this Corporation shall consist of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary and up to four additional members-at-large. Collectively, they shall form an Executive Committee with one vote per member. Subject to the direction of the general membership, the Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Corporation
Section 2. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary, and other members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Closing Meeting in odd numbered years to serve for two years. The names of Officers and at-large members of the Executive Committee shall be reflected in the minutes of the meeting at which they were elected and their names shall be made available to any member upon request.
ARTICLE VI Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation. The President shall appoint standing committees and special committees not otherwise provided for, decide all points of order, and shall be a member ex officio of all committees. Upon resignation of an elected officer, the President shall appoint a member to hold the office until the next election
Section 2. The Vice President shall be vested with all powers and shall perform ail duties of the President during the latter's absence or inability to fulfill the duties of the office.
Section 3. The Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer shall receive all moneys collected by the Corporation or by any of the committees thereof, pay all bills and keep an accurate record of the status of members' dues. Bills that represent ordinary, routine, and necessary expenses of the Corporation (such as: property taxes, utilities, insurance, maintenance, and emergency repairs) shall be paid without special approval. Bills for special projects and other extraordinary expenditures as approved by vote of the members shall be paid so long as the amounts are within the approved budget for such items; estimated costs in excess of 25% of the budgeted amount must be approved by the membership. Excess cost overages of less than 25% may be approved by the Executive Committee. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and counter-signed by another officer. If the Treasurer is not available to sign checks, two officers may do so. Funds of the Corporation shall be deposited in interest bearing accounts as much as practical, and the Executive Committee shall designate all bank accounts. The Treasurer shall prepare a statement of receipts and disbursements for each fiscal year and furnish such statement to the first meeting of the Corporation after the fiscal year. Such statement may be in general categories, but any member shall have the right to know the details of any account. In addition, the Treasurer shall prepare an interim statement of receipts and disbursements and present the statement at the Opening Meeting each year.
Section 4. The Assistant Treasurer shall be vested with all powers and shall perform all duties of the Treasurer during the latter's absence or inability to fulfill the duties of the office.
Section 5. The Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Corporation and of the Executive Committee and shall make these minutes available to any member upon request. Such minutes shall include the results of all votes taken. The Secretary shall call the roll of officers at each meeting and shall have charge of all books, papers, and records of the Corporation. Upon retirement from office, the Secretary shall deliver all such books, papers, and records to his / her successor in office.
ARTICLE VII Social Activities
Section 1. With the approval of the Executive Committee, social activities may be conducted under the name of the Association and all moneys derived from such activities shall be deposited with the Treasurer.
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall run from January 1 st to December 31 st of each calendar year.
ARTICLE IX Order of Business
Section 1. The order of business at the Opening and Closing Meetings of the Corporation and, as appropriate, at Special Meetings shall be as follows:
- Roll Call of Officers present
- Report of the Secretary
- Report of the Treasurer
- Report of the President
- Report of Membership
- Report of Committees
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Appointment of Committees
- Nomination and Election of Officers (odd years at Closing Meeting)
- Adjournment
Section 1. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum at any Opening, Closing, or Special Meeting of the Corporation.
ARTICLE XI Parliamentary Procedure
Section 1. Roberts Rule of Order shall be used for conducting all meetings of the Association unless otherwise specified by the President.
ARTICLE XII Amendments
Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present at any Opening or Closing meeting or any Special meeting called for that purpose, provided at least fourteen days notice of such amendments has been written and sent to all members.